Thursday, January 19, 2006

Which tool and host for our global EVO co- blog?

For the EVO co-blogging 06 workshop we have been considering different blog host solutions. In our virtual laboratory we started blogs wildly all over the web to see which one we liked better.

We want one that is well documented, reliable and easy to work wit -and that we as co-moderators also feel comfortable with so that we can build a scaffold for our participants. After long considerations pro & con, we have landed on good old mainstream safe, and easy blogger.

This was what we used as participants in last years EVO blog workshop which also makes it easier for us to recycle some of the material. And it has an impressive blog roll of past course participants. Also you will see that it is still active with messages now and then.

We hope to get our group started soon to create their own blogs at blogspot, and we can link to then as well as send out invitations to join our co-blog, alias this one.

Of course we do not mean to disencourage those who wish to fiddle with an alternative, as far as they'll promise to share their hands on experience. We can all learn from what others are doing.


Blogger Chris said...

Hi, EVO 2006 bloggers,

Since this is a contributors blog, how can I become a member of this blog? Do I have to be invited?

9:39 PM, January 22, 2006  
Blogger Sus Nyrop said...

Chris, thank you for asking. I know you're already among us - just mentioning this for workshop participants who wanted to join.

Yes, you need an invitation from one of the moderators - and you need to have a Blogger account(of course). If you have not yet been invited I would need an email telling me you want one - we have so many active people here and too little time to keep up. Sus

9:22 AM, January 25, 2006  

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