Saturday, February 11, 2006

Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

Since we're talking about podcasts this week and Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I wanted to share Cristina's Valentine's Day Wish Competition that she created with her students in Portugal:

Dear Friends, my students have been working on a podcast related with Valentine's day. THey recorded love messages and chose love songs for their Valentine's. we are now waiting for their feedback !:) You can access it here : We also decided to hold a contest to choose the most beautiful love Message. We needed someone to give us that feedback and then I thought :What about the Wia? Is there a better juri than the Webheads themselves? The answer is no, of course. So here I am inviting you to help me on this one. You just have to go to the site and vote on your fave Valentine's message. You can also leave comments. We love the interaction. ;)

Thank you all for your support. ((((hugs)))) Cris


Blogger Teresa Almeida d'Eça said...

Dear Jane and all,
Cristina and her students do deserve the notoriety that they're getting. What a great idea you had!
I feel very sad that I haven't been able to take part in your workshop, not even read mail, but these have been very difficult weeks for me having to cope with several different fronts at the same time. Best of luck for the coming weeks.

11:32 AM, February 11, 2006  
Blogger Sus Nyrop said...

Hello Tere, although we would have loved your energy, expertise and encouragement in our workshop, I think you've got a fullhouse with 250 participants!! Anb many of them are actually here as well :-)

yours, Sus

PS Cris, I voted at once when I checked your Valentine podcast - it was SO lovely!

11:54 PM, February 12, 2006  
Blogger abb said...

Christina, great great great! I love the idea and thank you so much for sharing it with us!
The music is great.
I m sure your students feel proud and satisfied. I want to give my students such an opportunity!!!

9:46 PM, February 17, 2006  

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