Saturday, February 18, 2006

A bit of joy, a bit of sadness, a bit of fun

Hello my dear web-colleagues, I have three things to share with you:)

1)Firstly, my joy. When reading the introduction of a book "We Blog", written by Bausch, Haughey and Hourihan, published in 2002, I found the sentence:
'By the end of the book, you can have a full-fledged weblog customized to your look, sitting at a URL of your choosing, with links, images and HTML-enriched text, managed with your choice of weblog systems, and even featuring comments and syndication.'
To be honest with you, highly computer literate guys, in September 2005 I didn't even now that blogs exist. At the beginning of December the above sentence would sound as a sci-fi to me and I am not sure I would have dived into all that. In January 2006 I joined EVO 06 and was becoming more optimistic. In February - whew, a piece of cake. :)Thanks to all of you, I suddenly know how to do all that and much more, and I am more eager to learn than ever. In such a supportive environment learning just happens.
I am really grateful to my Slovenian colleague Sarolta, who had joined this workshop last year and then encouraged me to cooperate in this year's; and to Sus, Jane and Anne for moderating it so patiently and skilfully. And because of you all, dear fellow participants, because of your numerous problems and then terrific troubleshooting solutions, hints and suggestions, I know so much. And when I don't, I feel confident to ask. Uau.
This is my first on-line collaboration ever and I am utterly in love.
I believe it's everlasting.

2) Please, do have a look at Ewan McIntosh's blog. The man who shared with us such a great knowledge of the field in Blogstreams Salon and a highly experienced blogger and podcaster managed to accidentally delete (!) his resourceful blog. Go and read his mourning and MAYBE you will be careful enough never to follow his steps. Poor guy! So, here is the link.

3)I added a QL "Send me a voice message" button to my blog. It enables visitors to easily leave recorded responses to my blog, and I'm informed about them via e-mail so that I can listen to them at my own leasure. If anyone wants to add this feature, follow this simple steps:
-create your account at Odeo ;
-in the side bar of your Odeo home page you will see a box "Manage" and then a button called "buttons", click it;
-choose one of the offered images and copy its URL into the sidebar of your template.
That's it. Simple, but lovely :) You can try it first by visiting my blog.

That's all for now***


Blogger Jane said...

Anita--I was going to respond to your request to join the collaborative blog and I see you have joined--and jumped right in! So glad you made it. Oh, and how nice that Sarolta was the one who told you about the blog. Last year we discovered we knew someone in common. It's a small world.

5:21 AM, February 18, 2006  
Blogger Sus Nyrop said...

Anita, I think that blogs are made for natural born writers like you :-)

in deep admiration, yours, Sus

PS Yes Jane, I was there first to re-invite Anita :-)

9:34 PM, February 18, 2006  

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