Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dear colleague,
If you teach a foreign/second language and use blogs when doing it, I would really appreciate it if you could spend 5 minutes of your time and fill in my online survey. It's really short, simple and straightforward, and I'm really desperate for some more answers. Your participation is annonymous, the results will be made public, in case anyone is interested.
Huge thanks to all of you (13) who have done it already.
I would also be very grateful if you could possibly forward this link to anyone that may be concerned.

The survey

Thank you.



Blogger Sus Nyrop said...

Dear Anita,
I'll look forward to read about your results, from the survey. I'm sorry that I do not actually teach any foreign language students myself, but I went to read your survey without answering and submitting and I found your questions highly relevant and thought provoking. Good luck with your work,


11:10 PM, April 08, 2006  

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