Monday, March 13, 2006

Decided that I have lurked for too long.

I'm Karen Haines, teaching in NZ and working with students who are doing intensive English study before they can go to mainstream academic classes here. I came late to this workshop at EVO2006 as I was doing a couple of others (podcasting and BAW) and it all took too much time!

I've enjoyed blogging all last year in one way or other with my students. This term I decided to try to use pictures more, so each week I get my students to comment on a Picture Post. This is a picture that I think is interesting and will cause comment, and I am slowly learning which pictures work better than others. The first two I chose were quite abstract and I was delighted with the students comments. More recently they have been less forthcoming and more in 'how this picture affects me' mode perhaps, which has been interesting. The last picture I chose was too big to show on screen, but the link is there and we actually looked at it briefly in class. From a language perspective, I wanted to get away from essays/reports etc and encourage students to write differently.

If you're interested the link is

I shall continue to lurk...


Blogger Berta said...

Dear Karen, wow, if lurking helped you create this site, you are an outstanding lurker then. I wonder how you managed to be in 3 EVO sessions at the same time!!!
Your class blog looks fantastic and your students are now in their way to exchange information with JaneĀ“s students and answer and create surveys. Excellent.
Your idea of using pictures as motivators is a great one too. My sincerest congratulations. Thanks for sharing your work.
Still warm (not hot yet) from sunny Caracas, Venezuela

5:41 PM, March 16, 2006  
Blogger mozhdeh said...

Dear Karen,
First I want to congratulate you for your interesting blog.I'm a student and I know Sometimes we get tired from writing, reading about repeated things and like to experience new things.I'm sure you choose a wonderful way to pass.I like to experience too.

5:08 AM, May 13, 2006  

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