Friday, January 27, 2006

The Vagaries of Photo Placement

I decided that it would be good pedagogy for me to create a new blog and run through the experiences the other participants are experiencing....and I have learned a lot! Adding numerous pictures is like throwing them up in the air to let the vagaries of chance and wind and other cyber conditions decide how they land. I found I could resize the photos easily, and I could move them a bit, but what I saw in the editing box and the way the turned out in the published blog were not the same at all. I don't think I had ever tried to put 6 photos in one post before.

I called my blog "Sortez du cadre" which means literally to leave the frame, or more aptly, to think outside of the box. I hope our collaborative blogging will take us places we never knew we were going.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

French Podcasting listening lessons

This French education podcast radio station offers many good ways to listen, read text and learn

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Jumping the gun

Well there's nothing like overconfidence and optimism! Flushed with the success of creating my first blog, I presented ideas to a major automotive company today for training engineers in English communication skills integrating the use of blogs into a series of workshops. At the moment this is intended to give easy access to online resources (glossaries, articles etc.) and encourage communication between the participants and with the trainer, but once we get started I'm sure we will do a lot more. I am looking forward to James Farmer's presentation tonight.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Volzhsky in Russia

Anna has written about her beautiful city, Volzhsky, that was built near the Volgograd Power station for its construction workers back in 1954. Last year it was called the most comfortable city in Russia among those with the population of 300 thousand, and it is also a city of education with many universities and colleges.

Anna's first blog: Volzhsky

Blog around the world

So many new co-bloggers in our workshop have posted links to their new blog today - each of them showing a different location. They're posting a local description of where they live, with photos. As our workshop has more than 150 participants from more about 50 countries all over the world, it is a truly international event.

Web 2.0. and the future education


what a great online course Sus and Jane and Web 2.0. technologies are making possible. For more on Web 2.0. and some ideas of future education, click here.

All the best
/Carl Eneroth at t42 Distance Education

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Blog used for a professional portfolio - Ruth Vilmi did this one

Ruth Vilmi has created the most perfect portfolio CV in a blog for a coming conference that she is preparing. She writes this message to our workshop:

I like this site because the blogs are very simple to make there; the
templates are quite beautiful too and easy to design.

I find it is awesome. An interesting usage of the blogformat, because it is easy to add and update content

Need to find help for tools - check the BAW list

In the EVO session Becoming a Webhead, or just BAW, Teresa d'Eca maintains a long list of very helpful tips for tools; I'm going to add it to my collection index of tagged bookmarks for our co-blog workshop - the tag is EVOblog06
